
It’s All About Hydration

Fit african girl drinking water after sport workout outdoor

It’s All About Hydration

What is Hydration

Hydration is the process of replacing water in your body. This can be done through drinking water, eating ice chips, eating foods that have a high water content and drinking other fluids.

Our body is composed of approximately 60% water and the proper balance between water and electrolytes determines how most of our systems function; including nerves and muscles.

Why you need to Hydrate

Our body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in our body needs water to work properly. In addition, our body needs water to maintain its temperature, remove waste and lubricate our joints. Thus, water is needed for overall good health.

How we lose water

We lose water mainly through digestion, breathing and sweating.

Benefits of Hydration

Water helps to prevent dry mouth, promotes cardiovascular health, keeps our body cool, helps muscles and joints to work better, keeps skin supple and helps cleanse our body inside and out.

How should you hydrate

Water is the best source of hydration. Other sources include tea, coffee, lemonade, coconut water and sodas (but beware of sugar content). In addition to water and other fluids foods with a high-water content can be used to keep us hydrated. Some examples are strawberries with a water content of 91%; cantaloupes at 90%; peaches at 89%; oranges at 88%; skim milk at 91%; cucumbers at 95%; lettuce at 96%; watermelon at 92%; zucchini at 94%; celery at 95%; tomatoes at 94%; bell peppers at 92%; cauliflower at  92%; cabbage at 92%; grapefruit at 88%; coconut water at 95%; raw spinach at 92% and pineapple at 87%.

How much water do you need daily?

While there is no set amount of water that everybody should drink in a given time period the 8×8 ounces of water daily is a good place to start.  However, you will need to hydrate more if you are losing fluid through exercise or from being in hot, humid weather.  Also, if you are ill and have a fever, are sweating or experiencing vomiting or diarrhoea. Other factors that impact hydration include your activity level, body composition, the climate at the location and the amount of water lost through breathing, digestion and sweating.

According to the USA Dept of Agriculture, women need to drink about 91 ounces (2.7 litres) of water per day, while men should average 125 ounces (3.7litres) in order to stay healthy and hydrated.

Water Percentage % values

In general women have a lower body water temperature than men. This is because women have more tissue than men. The ideal percentage for adult women should be between 45 and 60% and for adult men between 50-65% of the total body weight.

Ref: Harvard Health, Study.com, WebMD; onemedical.com, Cynthia Ross R.D

Lennox Prescod, Health and Wellness Consultant

Pharma Wellness International Inc. © September 2020

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