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It’s All About Hydration
What is Hydration Hydration is the process of replacing water in your body. This can be done through drinking water, eating ice chips, eating foods
HbA1c Testing
WHAT IS THE HbA1c TEST? The HbA1c test is a blood test that provides information about a person’s average levels of blood glucose, also called

All About Sugar In Your Favourite Fruits
They are two types of sugar – those that occur naturally in foods and added sugars. Naturally Occurring Sugars These are found naturally in foods.

It’s All About Eating Healthy
What you need to eat every day: Every day you need to eat foods from all the food groups: protein, fats, carbohydrates, dairy, fruits and vegetables.

Cholesterol and Fatty Acids
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance that’s found in all cells in the body. It has several useful functions including helping to build your

It’s All About Salt/Sodium
What is Salt: Sodium chloride is the chemical name for salt. The words salt and sodium are used interchangeably. Most labels will say sodium while the
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